Finding Our Way Back to Civil Discourse
I’m not taking on a question this month. There is already one staring me in the face as I meet and work with clients since the election last month. How do we get past the rancor and disappearance of civil discourse that still seems to be hanging on? The after effects are showing up in many business conversations…
Three Reasons Leadership Teams Fail and How to Fix It
Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to work with many different leadership teams. Here is what I have discovered: Many of today’s leaders are not equipped with the tools to engage in tough conversations as a team. It is difficult for some team members to: Not get defensive Take things personally Attack…
Leadership from Unexpected Places
I was cruising leadership articles from my Feedly account on LinkedIn earlier this week. While I found a few, I did find something unexpected. Those that know me know I am a passionate fly-fisherman and love sharing this with my clients. This is my excuse to have Feedly serve me up articles and videos on fly-fishing. …
Holding Up the Mirror, What Do You See?
When you look in the mirror, what kind of leader do you see? What kind of leader do others see? Are you confident what you see and what other’s see match? All of us have things we can work on, improve, a habit to stop doing, something we could do more of. Here’s a personal example…
Taking Over a New Team… Try This
As a Leadership Coach we often facilitate new leader assimilation for our clients. What is it? A facilitated dialogue between the new leader and the team. This process was originally developed and used at GE. It creates a structured meeting for new leaders and the new team to quickly acclimate to a change in leadership….
Leadership Coaching Game Changer
A few weeks ago Ris and I attended a coach training that fundamentally changed the way we coach. Now remember, we’ve been in the coaching business for over 20 years and developing people for longer than that. So this is a pretty bold statement. We are so confident in this leadership coaching process we guarantee measurable…
Finding Balance Impossible? Try Connection!
This month a client called me feeling overwhelmed and frazzled. She set out with good intentions and goals this year to balance her life, but it’s not working and it’s only March. She has a beautiful little girl and a husband she adores, plus she really likes her job. She woefully asked me, “What am I missing? What can I…
Leading Change with a Team “Pulse Check”
Does this sound too familiar to you? “Even when change is needed, when it’s obvious to everyone we need it, how come so many people still resist it? How do I get everybody on board?” Consider this. It’s all about the conversations. Indeed, organizational changes have to be thought out and well planned, with a vision…
Learning to Lead Your Life vs. It Leading You
Stepping into powerful leadership is an inside job–leadership from the inside out. Nothing is more powerful than someone who knows who they are. Here’s why: The more self-awareness we have, the more we trust ourselves in knowing what works and what doesn’t work. For many of us, the only concept of powerful leadership we learned…