Reframe Your “Boss from Hell” to Your Development Angel
I once worked for a boss who flat out didn’t like me, and everyone we worked with knew it. I came to think of him as my “Boss from Hell”. The funny thing is, I wouldn’t be the businesswoman I am today if I hadn’t worked for him. You may be surprised when I tell…
The Essence of Leadership
Every once in a while someone special comes into the world to provide leadership with integrity and a heartfelt presence. Recently our friend, colleague and client, Nan Gardetto, was awarded the Sacagawea award by Milwaukee’s Professional Dimensions. Please watch this video to learn her story of inspirational leadership.
Me on a Good Day, Me on a Bad Day
In November we became certified to use the Insights Discovery personal profile. One of the many things I love about the profile is that it’s sticky. It is easy to remember. One of the key pieces that make it sticky is the use of colors to describe 4 types of people. One tool that we…