Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Does Your Coaching Measure Up?

How do you know? Would it make a difference to you, your stakeholders, and your company if you could guarantee and measure leadership growth?

Our coaching process does exactly that. We feature Stakeholder Centered Coaching, used by more than 150 of the Fortune 500 Companies.  The Stakeholder Centered Coaching Process was developed by Marshall Goldsmith, recognized as the #1 leadership thinker in the world by Harvard Business Review.  Stakeholder Centered Coaching offers the largest network of certified executives coaches with 1500+ coaches in 200 cities and 50 countries speaking 35 languages. Leadership Outfitters is proud to be certified as part of this network.

Graphic describing Stakeholder centered Team coaching process that involves creating team focus, implementing action plans, and measuring impact.

Transparent Process Guarantees Growth

The process is time efficient, transparent, and structured. 

  • We place a strong emphasis on the involvement of stakeholders to establish long-lasting behavioral change and follow-through by the leader.
  • Because the coaching content is highly customized to meet individual leadership needs, the overall coaching engagement is structured to ensure clarity and transparency.
  • Our uniform coaching process has regular progress reports on what leaders have identified to improve.
  • On a monthly basis, stakeholders provide practical “feedforward” suggestions to take on in the coming month that relate to the leader’s growth area.

What You Get:

  • 12-months of highly personalized, 1:1 coaching
  • Interviews by our team with your “stakeholders” to pinpoint areas of growth and improvement
  • Breakthroughs in your career that you never thought possible
  • Tools and resources to use throughout your leadership journey
  • A multi-level team approach that is engaged and committed to your growth


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Growth Guaranteed!

  • This coaching process has a 95% success rate in creating new leadership behavior. This is leader development that doesn’t waste time or money. We are so confident in the process we guarantee the leader will change or we refund half the fee for coaching.
  • For the leader to be able to manage new behavior, we measure. Using an on-line measurement tool, we survey the leader’s stakeholders at the midpoint and the conclusion of the engagement to measure the leader’s growth.
  • If the stakeholders do not perceive the leader has become measurably more effective through the coaching engagement, we refund half the coaching fee!

Want to Get Out of the Office?

Select one of our resort options to reveal, develop, and recharge for your first coaching session.

Results for the Leader

95% of leaders using Stakeholder Centered Coaching Process measurably improved their leadership effectiveness. It is designed for successful executive and high potentials by:

  • Utilizing the psychology of successful people, leveraging their high need for self- determination and learning agility.
  • Moving rapidly from awareness to acceptance to action, focusing on leadership behaviors that drive change.
  • Providing a powerful process for building leadership brand.

Results for the Organization

Stakeholder involvement produces a strong positive ripple effect on the team and organization as a whole. Systematically involving stakeholders drives a number of positively reinforcing factors:

  • They buy into their leader’s change and become supporters, not cynical bystanders.
  • They look out for and perceive leadership growth, boosting the leader’s motivation to change.
  • As the leader progresses from new behaviors into new habits, these changes naturally become embedded in the organization’s culture.
  • Mentoring and coaching become part of the organization’s culture.

What is a Stakeholder?

We define “stakeholder” as anyone in your working environment that benefits from your success or conversely is impacted by the behavior you want to change. This could be who you report to, the other VPs in your department, or your CEO with whom you work closely.

Ready to Get Started?

Let’s set up a time to talk. Click on the calendar and pick a date and time that works for you.


The infographic below shows the process for Stakeholder Centered Coaching. Want to know more about the details of how this can work for you? Schedule a call and we can respond to all of your questions.

Our clients and stakeholders typically see results within the first month. For many leaders, Stakeholder-Centered Coaching is the first time they have asked for and received not only clear and specific feedback, but clear and specific feedforward info from stakeholders. Asking for behavioral suggestions to take on in the coming month, what we call feedforward, gives leaders an honest opportunity to know how and what to change.  Doing this for 12 months offers hope and belief in stakeholder perceptions that the leader can and has changed.

It takes courage and humility to work with a coach and often, when team members, peers, direct reports, and bosses feel involved in your process, the collaborative atmosphere leads to quicker and more effective change.

This process is very time efficient and leader effective to produce results in a timeframe you can manage. We work with our clients to fit the process into their schedules. We will walk you through and explain the time required for each step of the process. We design this coaching engagement to be time sensitive for both the leader and the stakeholders, which helps in their commitment to the process.

To give you an idea, the monthly check-in for the leader to make with each stakeholder doesn’t need to last more than 5 minutes per stakeholder.  The stakeholder enrollment meeting takes 15-20 minutes max, and can be via conference call, GotoMeeting, or face-to-face. Based on our experience with the process, we have a good sense of timing for each step and will share that with you during our introductory call.

Because the coaching content is highly customized to meet individual leadership needs, the overall coaching engagement is structured to ensure clarity and transparency.  It enables the leader to move from awareness to acceptance to action, focusing on leadership behaviors that drive change.

Our coaching focuses on what is working, what isn’t working, what you want to do differently, and what’s stopping you.  Then we explore your responses, discuss why, and identify new behaviors to apply.  The self-awareness and insights gleaned from these coaching conversations, as well as the monthly feedback and feedforward suggestions from your stakeholders, enable you to progress in converting new behaviors into new habits.

It’s simple. The process works. If you involve your stakeholders through monthly touch-in’s and ask for feedback and feedforward suggestions, and if you meet regularly with your coach to discuss what works, what’s challenging, and how you choose to change, you will see it reflected in your leadership effectiveness. And so will your stakeholders. Your 6-month and 12-month survey scores from our on-line measurement tool will also reflect your hard work and success. That’s how confident we are in this process of change.

Results have been achieved at the end of the engagement if the client scores 1.0 or more on question #3 of the final mini-survey. This is calculated by averaging all stakeholder responses from question #3.

In addition, the client and all selected stakeholders must follow the Stakeholder Centered Coaching process by:

  1. Completing all monthly feedback and feedforward sessions
  2. Completing each of the two mini-surveys
  3. Client needs to:

a. Meet each month with Coach to discuss and revise the monthly action plan

b. Send an email to all stakeholders with his/her updated action plan each month

c. Meet with Coach to debrief each mini-survey

If the client does not receive a 1.0 or more on question #3 of the final mini-survey, the company will be reimbursed half of the coaching fee.